The tax levy for the Washington County 2011 budget is $28,174,442.
For every $100 of the county taxes that you pay, here is the breakdown of where most of the money goes;
Medicaid $23, Highway $11.80, County Jail $10.95, Social Services $10.63, Sheriff $7.39, Public Health $3.60, Buildings and Grounds $3.40, Handicapped Children $3.05, Higher Education (2 year college) $2.84, Emergency Services 911 center $2.49, Retiree Health Insurance $2.13, Information Technology $2.11, Probation $1.84, District Attorney $1.50, Public Defender $1.20.
This equals $88 or 88% of the budget. The remainder 34 categories represent 12% of the budget and are all less that $1 so I did not bother to list them.
Interesting reading. I enjoy your effort, have a very beneficial day!
I can’t get the search to work right on this site? I’m looking for a post from a while back, but nothing is coming up. Does it work? It was a great write-up.
Vet Tech, what was the post about? Maybe I could help you find it.
Major thanks for the article post. Will read on…