Town Contacts

Town of Hartford PO Box 214, Hartford NY 12838


911 Physical Address:

 165 Hartford Main Street      Granville NY 12832


TOWN CLERK Business Hours:


Tuesday 7:30am-5pm,

Wednesday- Friday 7:30am-3pm,

Phone (518) 632-9151


Scott Hahn
E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 518-632-9151

Home: 518-451-6327

Deputy Supervisor

Darwin (Casey) Arlen 518-632-5711

Town Clerk

Denise Petteys

Phone: 518-632-9151

Fax: 518-632-9280

Town Justice

Sharon Schofield

Phone: 518-632-9274

Fax:  518-704-2985

Town Board

Darwin (Casey) Arlen 518-632-5711

Barbara Beecher 518-632-5288

Gary Burch Sr.  518-812-7912

Kevin Eastman 518-260-8049

Court Clerk

Stephany Euber
Phone: 518-632-9274

Sole Assessor

Sandra Foley

Office Phone: 518-632-5259

E-mail:  [email protected]

Tax Collector

Town & Washington County (January – March)

Hartford Central School (September – October)

Denise Petteys

Phone: 518-632-9151

Fax: 518-632-9280

Superintendent of Highways

Gregory Brown
E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 518-632-5255

Cell Phone: 518-222-2394

Animal and Dog Control Officer

Edward Holland

Nancy Quell

Phone: 518-692-2840

Fax: 518-692-8992

Town Historian

Mike Armstrong
E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 518-232-5180

Enforcement Officer

Town Supervisor

Phone:  518-451-6327

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Denise Petteys

Phone: 518-632-9151

Fax: 518-632-9280

Deputy Registrar

Mike Armstrong

Phone:  518-232-5180

Attorney for the Town

Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth P.C.

16 Pearl Street .

Glens Falls NY 12801

Phone: 518-745-1400


Meyer & Fuller

Phone:  518-668-2199


Law Office of Michael Brandi

Phone:  518-605-2678